
A place that inspires young musicians.

The Krzysztof Penderecki European Music Centre


The idea behind the activity of the Krzysztof Penderecki European Music Centre is to inspire young musicians to improve their skills. Apart from music workshops, the Centre organizes also festivals and concerts.

The unusual architecture of the building, a project created at the interface of nature and culture, and above all omnipresent music are the guidelines that formed the basis for building the nature of the website of the Centre.


The Centre's logo was the basis for developing the website's graphical key. Linearity and geometry are visible in each of the interface elements. Vertical lines referring to both piano keys and graphic visualization of sound appear on the whole page.

Typography and colours have been chosen so that despite the dignified character of the institution, the place was perceived as nice and open to every visitor.

first impression

After opening any subsite, the whole view is filled by the picture and the MENU always located at the bottom of the screen. Navigation was moved to a non-standard location should allow the user to focus on viewing the contextual photo and the general description of the subsite first. Only after scrolling down we go to a specific content.


The site has been refined for every resolution and can be conveniently viewed on any mobile device. Photos that appear on the banner of subsites change the aspect in such a way that users of mobile devices can see their most important part.


Music is the heart of the whole project, which is why we really wanted the user to feel its presence while browsing the site. For this purpose, we have prepared a simple sound animation that appears on each of the subsites.


The unusual architecture of the place and the specificity of the Centre's activity allowed us to use a significant amount of photos to design the site. Photographs provided by the client open subsites appearing in the banner and add variety to the content.


As in all our projects, all elements on the site are editable thanks to the CRAFT CMS content management system. The administrator can add new articles, replace every picture or text.


The activity of the Centre's activity is mainly presented by news, which appear on the website with a high frequency. The user has the option of filtering them by category, date or tags. We made sure that this functionality would be refined in the smallest detail on mobile devices.